Injuries Handled By A Construction Litigation Attorney In Baton Rouge La

byAlma Abell

Construction work can be very dangerous, and on-the-job accidents account for thousands of injuries and hundreds of fatalities each year. Workers face numerous hazards, even on well-managed job sites, and some injuries are more prevalent than others are. Below are several of the most common construction site injuries.

Falls From Scaffolding and Buildings


When a construction worker is required to work at significant heights or they have to climb a scaffold, the risk of a fall is constant. According to information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a fall of just 15 feet can be fatal, and survivors often suffer debilitating injuries. A construction litigation attorney in Baton Rouge LA can help a worker who has been injured in a fall.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Non-level ground, spills, and extension cords can make any job site dangerous. While a slip and fall may not seem particularly dangerous, such accidents often result in head trauma, back injuries and permanent disabilities.

Electrical Shock

Today’s construction sites are full of exposed wires, which can present a shock hazard that’s undetectable by most workers. Because of the dangerous nature of electricity, a construction worker can be harmed by something as minor as stepping on a wet floor.

A Falling Object

From a substantial height, a dropped tool or piece of construction material can cause severe and lasting damage. A construction litigation attorney in Baton Rouge LA often represents workers hurt by falling tools, wood and beams that caused permanent, serious injuries.

While some construction site injuries are minor, others can have lifelong effects, and still others can be fatal. If a person is injured or killed on a construction site, they can rely on a local construction lawyer for help. Visit to see how the team can help an injured employee or their family get the compensation they deserve while protecting their legal interests. Call the office to speak to a representative, or visit them online to schedule an appointment with a construction lawyer. With help from an attorney, an injured worker is more likely to get the award they need to get back to a normal life.