Career Advancement Opportunities For Phlebotomists

The healthcare field is one of the few areas whereemployment opportunities are rapidly expanding.As the population in the U.S. ages, the need for qualified phlebotomistsand other medical personnel is on the rise.If you are considering becoming a phlebotomist, or if you are already aphlebotomist, you may be trying to decide where this career path could lead youin the future.

Options for Phlebotomists

Phlebotomy careers offer a variety of working environments. Some phlebotomists choose to work in ahospital. The demand for blood tests isusually high in a hospital setting and will often require you to move aroundthe hospital to various locations while collecting specimens. If you choose towork in a hospital setting, you may also be required to give injections orperform other tasks that help lighten the load for nurses and other teammembers. You may work days, nights,weekends, and holidays if you decide to take employment at a hospital.

Other phlebotomists prefer to work in a private doctorsoffice. This usually gives thephlebotomist the chance to work a more traditional daytime schedule and enjoyholidays and weekends off. Privatedonation centers also offer these types of working conditions.

You might enjoy a phlebotomist position that gives you theopportunity to travel a bit, such as with a mobile unit that visits variouslocations collecting blood donations or you may choose to move betweendifferent hospitals or clinics where your services are needed.

Career Progression

As a phlebotomist, you already have a foundation in areassuch as anatomy, physiology, safety procedures, and other medical topics. This knowledge will help qualify you forother positions and may spark your interest in broadening your training andcareer opportunities.

Many phlebotomists choose to get additional training tolearn to insert IVs into patients or to draw blood from different parts of thebody. Each additional skill you learnshould allow you to earn a higher salary.

Other phlebotomists choose to continue their training inother medical fields. Becoming aphysicians assistant is often a popular choice. Once you become certified as a medicalassistant as well as a phlebotomist your job opportunities will expand.

Of course, if your interest in more advanced healthcare isignited, you could opt to gain more education and become a radiologist, anurse, or some other type of medical professional.

There are also opportunities available for phlebotomists infields such as marketing. You may beinterested in become a sales rep for a company that manufactures lab equipmentor medical supplies.

Choosing to become a phlebotomist is often just the firststep in establishing a bright, rewarding career in the medical field. Some people choose to use phlebotomy as astepping stone to other opportunities and others choose to make phlebotomytheir lifetime career. Whichever roadyou choose to follow, phlebotomy is a career that holds great promise for yourfuture.