Bad Economy Getting Relief From The Spiritual World?

By Katerina Guarente

Even the experienced financial experts admit that they have never seen the economy look so bleak. Seasoned investors on Wall Street are scratching their heads and knocking knees. Questions get raised as to how we are going to dig our way back to prosperity. One thing that we all agree is that this economic downturn is a powerful force that can only be confronted with a powerful solution so it is no surprise that many are flocking to the spiritual community to seek help in their personal finances, and put an end to their money troubles.

In fact, people are running to their churches, spiritual advisors and even psychics to see what is happening behind the scenes and try to combat their shrinking 401Ks, pensions and home equity. But can the spirit world really bring money blessings to those who believe in a higher power?

Spirituality, religion, astrology, or witchcraft have historically been used by people all over the world to help bring riches and financial power. So it is reasonable that given todays economic mess, people once again are turning their heads up to seek help from above. After all, it cant hurt any worse being broke, saddled by credit card debt, losing hope while being buried under a pile of bills. Even when friends, banks and other traditional means of financial help turn us down, surely the spirits will hear our cries and come to our financial aid.


Most people who go regularly visit psychics and buy money spells will quickly tell you that they really do work, and have helped them to come closer to prosperity. But lets get real – did a magic money spell really help a struggling factory worker win the lottery, receive a huge cash reward or get a promotion in the workplace? Skeptics typically cite coincidence as the only reasonable explanation, because skeptics only think of things in a logical frame of mind, instead of thinking outside the box. However, those who believe in psychic powers see things a different way they see a much larger realm of possibilities to each problem, and find it reasonable to seek a helping hand from a higher power.

I confess that I am a professional psychic and paranormal expert, so my perspective if likely different from yours. I have studied paranormal matters and occult history going back through the ages, and I believe that there is much more to this than meets the eye. After all, if the worlds mainstream religions all agree and believe in the power of prayer to receive blessings from God, then there is a very good chance that spiritual powers are very real. Even doctors now give credit to prayer and faith in helping patients recover faster from illnesses. So it seems to follow that money problems and recovering from this economy may have its solution rooted in spiritual help and prayer.

People from all nations and economic backgrounds are among the believers in using non-traditional tools such as spellcasting, to seek life enhancement changes. My clients include teachers, doctors, and other professions from all walks of life. So can their faith alone help them to achieve more than others, simply because they have belief in the paranormal? I believe so. The majority of the world will not believe in spell castings as a possible solution to lifes problems throughout history, the believers have always been in the minority but that does not mean that they are in the wrong. Whenever someone contacts me and tells me that psychic services are all fake, and that they would never seek financial help from a psychic or spellcaster, I simply reply that I respect their opinion. And then I ask them So how is YOUR financial plan seem to be working out?

2008 Katerina Services.

About the Author: Katerina Gaurente is a long-time paranormal specialist, and proprietor of the

site. On

she offers money spells and love spells to clients worldwide.


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