Medjool Dates The Healthy Natural Dessert And Civilization

Submitted by: Art Freeman

Even though the Medjool date is known as the king of dates, other dates were probably more important. It is a very large and nutritious sweet dessert date. Dates probably allowed Western Civilization to develop. With dates people had a staple food. A date palm does not produce dates year round, but dates can be stored for prolonged periods of time. Dates lose moisture over time and get sweeter, but they can be stored for months and even years. The date not only allowed people to survive, but it allowed people to thrive in the desert. The fruit was so important that we can still find laws talking about dates in the tablets of ancient Sumeria. The date fruit is known as the bread of the desert, because without it people would not have been able to survive. It was a large source of food and following wars it was often used to subjugate conquered people, by limiting or cutting down date palm orchards.

The palm is probably the tree of life mentioned in the Bible. The reason why the palm is known as the tree of life, is because it provides for everything a person needs to live on. The palm is used for building homes, building furniture, utensils, mats, baskets, hats, rope, fuel, food for the animals, and food for humans. People lived from the date palm, there was no waste, it was the tree of life. Even though the date palm was known as the tree of life, it is actually not a tree at all.


In modern days the date palm continues to be a very important source of food. Dates continue to be a staple food of the desert in North African and the Middle East and some governments are aggressively propagating the date palms. It is probably the only fruit tree that can be grown in the desert to produce fruit. People still depend on the date and live from it. A family can live from a date orchard. A date palm orchard can live about 150 years, it is enough to feed two generations. Once the hard work of growing one orchard is done, the following generation will have a stable source of food and can do something else. This may have been how people started to do other things and how civilization started to develop.

Once a year there is a special season called Ramadan, where Islam requires fasting and the fast is often broken by eating dates. A variety of dates is often grown to be consumed for these purposes. This date fruit is one that ripens early and is consumed before it ripens. This date fruit often referred to as the Ramadan date is not fully ripened, but unlike other fruit it is not bitter and it can be eaten. For Ramadan in the United States other dates are consumed, because of their availability. The Medjool date is harvested until around September in California and Arizona. Most US grown dates are not harvested until around September, but Ramadan takes place in August.

The Medjool date is valued for its sweetness and it was once reserved for royalty, now a days you can buy it at most local grocery stores. The date fruit is still expensive, but within everyone’s reach. The date has a lot of carbohydrates, potassium, and cleansing qualities. The fruit is a known as a power food, ounce for ounce it has more nutrients than other foods, especially potassium.

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Medjool dates

A sweet and nutritious

date fruit


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