Mobile Credit Card Processing: An Affordable Way To Accept Credit Cards

By Kevin Cross I

Mobile credit card processing has been revolutionized. Not only can you accept credit card payments by phone, you can accept credit card payments by cell phone. This is going to change the entire way the mobile merchant does business, and every mobile merchant will do business this way because it is so irresistibly affordable.

The makers of this technology understand the professionalism of being able to accept credit card payments, and the barriers presented to the mobile merchant. Theyve been able to seamlessly bridge that gap by providing a way for you to quickly, easily and affordably process credit card transactions by phone.

Most mobile merchants don’t take credit cards at all because of how expensive it is. When they have a credit card transaction, they still have to do a batch report on the terminal at the end of each day.


Not only is this process complicated, but it’s way too expensive after paying all the relative fees. You’re talking monthly fees, transaction fees, administration fees, statement fees(yes, there’s more)terminal fees, early termination fees, annual fees, and the cost of supplies. Is it really any surprise that most mobile merchants simply smile and say, “We only take checks”? For a small monthly fee and percentage of each transaction, every appointment can be a point-of-sale.*

Process Credit Cards in Seconds

There’s no better way to finalize a sale than processing an immediate credit card payment over the phone. It literally takes seconds to do. Dial the secure 1-800 number, follow the voice prompts, punch a few numbers and you’re done. Not only do you have the customer’s promise, you have the payment that ensures he’ll keep it.

Make Every Promise = Payment

How many times have you left an appointment with a promise for business, only to get the cold shoulder from the should-have-been-client a few days later? Don’t you hate that sinking feeling you get in your gut as you go over and over the details of the appointment?

What did I do wrong? Was it something I said? What a waste of my time!

These are some of the things that go through your mind after a sale slips through your fingers. But what if you could accept immediate payment, in the field? And we all know a check barely counts. No harm done if they call up the next day and say never mind. Maybe they never intended to let you get all the way to the bank in the first place.

Being able to take credit card payments in the field changes the entire nature of the game. It weeds out the clients who just don’t want to say no to your face, and it keeps the committed clients committed. You can’t afford to do business any other way. Join the revolution and call Accept By Phone today at our toll free number 1-877-529-1390.

About the Author: Kevin Cross Get your

mobile Credit card processing

account set up By Contacting us today. Accept by Phone, Inc. toll free. 877.529.1390 email. *The processor charges an annual one-time PCI compliance fee each December. Last year it was $45.00, the lowest possible PCI fee.


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