Female Fitness Model Diet What And How A Woman Should Eat To Achieve Sexy Figure

Female Fitness Model Diet What And How A Woman Should Eat To Achieve Sexy Figure


R. Barrow

Looking at the figure of a fitness model will more or less make a woman wish she also possess such a body. Those models achieve and maintain their sexy figure through training properly and following a nutritious, balanced diet. Training alone will not help achieve the goal; following on a diet is another important key to fitness. For this reason, any woman who wants to slim down and achieve a sexy body would need to know what and how she should eat.

Frequent, Small Meals

You got used to the three major meals a day, but this will not be helpful in your fitness goal. Instead, you need to consume small meals more frequently throughout the day. Six smaller meals can offer many advantages. It can help maintain your metabolic rate because your body continuously burn calories from the foods you consume. The energy levels are also kept at high levels during the entire day. You also avoid the body from activating its starvation mode by eating every 3-4 hours.

Proper Proportions Of The Essentials


Fat, Carbohydrates and Protein are among the essential nutrients the body needs to obtain from foods. The general rule to follow is 30% each for protein and fats while the remaining 40% is for carbohydrates. The key ingredient for muscle building is the amino acids that come from proteins. The energy and fuel to perform daily functions are supplied by the carbohydrates; while the cell membrane formation for proper bodily functions is maintained by fats.

No To Refined Sugar

Refined, white sugar should be avoided because it only causes the spikes of insulin levels in the blood. These spikes make the body store more fats as a result. You will feel more hunger and craving with refined sugar intake. When the high sugar level drops, you will suddenly feel lethargic and you will have no energy to perform daily routines, including workout.

Eat Whole

Whole foods should be the main source of your nourishment. Whole foods will help make you feel quite full for longer even without eating too much foods compared to when eating fatty and sugary foods. Lean meats, fresh vegetables, whole wheat baked products and low-fat dairies must be contained in your daily meals.

Never Skip Meals

Skip your meals and you do a great damage to your diet and nutrition. Breakfast, most especially, should not be skipped because this is the first meal of the day where you can obtain the necessary nutrients to fuel up your body for the day ahead. Eating within one hour upon waking up is crucial in jumpstarting your metabolism. Skip your breakfast and you will surely feel too hungry even before lunchtime; thus causing you to binge. You are also likely to take in more calories within the day for passing on breakfast. Other meals should not be skipped as well. Extend the time in between meals and your metabolism will be slower, making you gorge foods on your next meal.

Proper Amount Of Calories

Your calorie intake for one day must be below 1500. Implement this rule if you want to lose weight and maintain your ideal body weight. Ideally, 1200-1500 calories a day can help you shed off fat realistically.

Achieve that gorgeous body of a bikini model without intense workout or serious dieting with the help of

The Bikini Model Program

. Another helpful guide to help you in achieving a sleek figure is

Crack The Code


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