Costa Rica Health Tourism The Next Front Line To Healthcare

Costa Rica Health Tourism The Next Front Line to Healthcare


Jean Michaels

What is a medical tourism? Basically, there are many ways to define medical tourism. Medical tourism or healthcare overseas is the process of traveling abroad to obtain medical, cosmetic or low cost dental implants. It gives the global medical tourist the opportunity to get the best and effective medical assistance suited for their needs. It promotes world class procedures, cutting edge technology and physicians of the highest caliber, and a healthy, new you is just a plane ticket away.

Furthermore, medical tourism these days, gives a cheaper option for patient worldwide. People are opting to pursue medical treatment overseas rather than in their own countries. Sometimes certain medical services are not available or either their health insurance doesn t cover the full cost of procedure. Improved communication opportunities for people make it easily to connect and contact medical centers abroad. That s why medical tourism is now considered as one of the fastest growing industry in health services.


The growing trend of attracting international patients around the world has evened the playing field, so to speak, and patients around the world have more choices when it comes to choosing surgeons and physicians to treat them and their conditions. Especially in the medical field, borders are dissolving. People are seeking different countries with both modern and alternative health services, the one with world class treatment and procedure. Countries like India, Thailand, Singapore, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica and South Africa are well known in the industry for it offers state of the art procedures and techniques.

Costa Rica has been considered one of the world’s most popular vacation destinations for generations. Today, Costa Rica is also one of the most accessible and affordable destinations for quality and certified medical care in all medical fields and practices. Services provided by Costa Rica Medical Tourism and Retirement Services provide certified and accredited facilities and services by highly trained physicians and surgeons in the fields of orthopedics, cosmetic and plastic surgery, bariatric surgery and weight loss programs, cardiac care and neurosurgery. Medical travelers to Costa Rica may enjoy as much as a 75% savings on surgical procedures over prices generally charged in the United States. You ll receive accredited and certified options for providers, hospitals and clinics utilizing their services.

In addition, Costa Rica Medical Tourism and Retirement Services, known as CRMARS, give global traveler s access to Joint Commission International (JCI), The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) and the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) accredited services. Nothing short of quality, efficiency and excellent focus of patient care and services are the goals of Costa Rica Medical Tourism and Retirement Services.

Consider the benefits of Costa Rica s health tourism: lower costs for procedures, highly skilled Costa Rica s medical team, and best of all, the opportunity to see new and exotic places in this world. Be levelheaded and experience the world class yet effective treatment at Costa Rica for it offers an affordable solution and one that guarantees to revitalize and re energize.

If you want to know more about medical tourism, visit our website for more details.

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